Jenny Long's "My First PRI"

10 min read

Jenny Long's "My First PRI"

10 min read
No matter what people tell you I'm advance, I don't think you can ever truly be prepared for what you will find at PRI, until you witness it first hand. From race car drivers and team owners to engine builders and shop owners, you get a mix of everything at this event. It was so exciting to be surrounded by all the people and new products. I loved walking around and checking out the cool booths and even cooler cars. I got to see drag racers, circle track racers, hot rods, and many more! I think my favorite was the awesome car we had in our booth. We teamed up with Gary Box and displayed his amazing 1965 Box Vette. This 1400 est. HP award wining Corvette not only gets cool points for how sleek it looks, it's street legal and is one of the fastest street cars. As a matter of fact Gary drove it to PRI from Cleveland. Gary loves using Mr. Gasket and ACCEL parts for the corvette, so naturally, we loved the idea of teaming up with him. There were some pretty amazing booths that I noticed as well. The Mobil 1 Racing booth had a racetrack simulator where you could sit down and get a real feel for racing. It actually made you feel like you were doing circles around the track. The GoPro booth was highlighting their new cameras and editing software, which both seemed pretty great. The GoPro would be perfect to latch on to any type of car while racing to get an exciting point of view. They also had an 'enter to win' contest and gave away several cameras. Sadly, I wasn't a winner. In our booth, we were pretty excited to be introducing our new ACCEL Ignition trays. While our Mallory Ignition trays were great, we decided they could be even greater and proved it by making the ACCEL trays lighter and also taking up less space. We know both of those things are important for Drivers and we had great feedback about the trays at PRI! Our Mr. Gasket brand was a sponsor for one of the 'Hot Rodders of Tomorrow Engine Challenge' teams. Our team, Peach County High School, in Georgia, made it all the way to nationals (which took place at PRI) and walked away with 4th place. I had never seen an Engine Challenge before. was pretty exciting. These guys are so fast at disassembling and reassembling an engine. Another favorite PRI moment for me was running into the one and only Linda Vaughn. She's been in the industry for over 50 years and has some ties with our company. If you want some great stories about the industry and it's history, she is the celebrity to talk to (and she's amazingly sweet). So all in all, I'd say my first PRI was pretty eventful. I was blown away by the enthusiasm and excitement, constantly being stimulated. But, of course, what else would you expect in the racing industry ? I can't wait for next year!


Staff Writer
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